
Adrienn Somosné Nagy

Pilze-Nagy Kft.

Bilateral Meetings

  • (13.00 pm - 18.00 pm)

DESCRIPTION OF MAIN PRODUCTS, SERVICES CAPABILITIES Our fresh mushroom products: Fresh oyster mushroom, black poplar mushrooms in different packaging including plastic trays ( for supermarkets), wooden boxes (catering). Organic fresh oyster mushrooms, organic black polar mushrooms in different packaing. Products of dried oyster- and black poplar mushrooms / Products of dried bio oyster- and black poplar mushrooms Canned products: Via Naturalis oyster mushroom pastes in four different flavours: this canned product is exclusively made of materials of vegetable origin, so it can be consumed by vegans, as well. Its main component is oyster mushroom ( around 50 % of the gross weight), consequently the paste has an intensive mushroom flavour. The product does not contain any flavouring, colorant, gluten or other allergen material. Our company turns utmost emphasis to the mushroom production being fully free of chemicals, which is backed by conscious technology selection. The supervision of the procedures of environment-friendly production is performed by the application of established quality assurance certifications: GLOBALGAP, IFS.

Organization Type Producer
Organization Size1-10
CityKecskemét, Talfája 50. Google map
Areas of Activities



      Organic agriculture